Yes.... Th-They have my flawed directive, to destroy, not protect....I just wanted to protect. I was made to protect the Multiverse, then I was a failure, and my directive became to destroy. It's only after my brother and I met for the first time, that I realized, we both had the same idea. To clone ourselves and spread our directive farther.

Yes.... Th-They have my flawed directive, to destroy, not protect....I just wanted to protect. I was made to protect the Multiverse, then I was a failure, and my directive became to destroy. It's only after my brother and I met for the first time, that I realized, we both had the same idea. To clone ourselves and spread our directive farther.

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Description: Origin Error. Used a Base.

CREATOR ID: a228fa
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Origin Error -T

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