Rings Short. Mark by Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

Rings Short. Mark by Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

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Description: My name is Mark, I am 18 years old, I have 29 Pokemon but really I only have all the Unowns and a Emolga. Emolga is a male and it's a pokemon I've had for years in my family, I'm known as the 'Scientists of the family' but in reality, I just like to know more about pokemon. The reason why I have all the Unowns is because they've known to keep secrets not everyone knows, and of course I wanted to uncover those secrets and unlock more to what is unknown to people about pokemon. I recently got ideas from a new sister, Silvia, about how unowns seem to always do strange things, and that got me the idea to watch them for a day, so far nothing. I actually hate it when my brother, David, come into my room, because he is always messing with Emolga and is always running into the unowns I have out. I see my family like this; David is the 'Annoying Won' since he always wants to win and is always annoying to everyone, Sylvia is the 'appreciated girl' I couldn't think of anything for her but I know she appreciates us for every thing we do but she is a little shy. Mom is the 'Champion of the family' we actually call her that sometimes because she used to be the old champion of alola, but she had to leave alola because she lost her old home in a bad storm, so now she had someone else to be the champion. Lindsy is the 'Loyal Robot' because she stays loyal and she's never actually mentioned this to anyone but one of her legs was very damaged to the point where she had to get a robot leg. Like I said before, I am the 'Scientists of the family' because again I like to study unknown things about pokemon. That's all I have to say.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 285
AGE: 6 years old

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