I feel physically annoyed by...Myself, Landon, Void, Allan, that old woman that t probably remembers who had sex with ro, it was a chara sprite, i dont remember her name, not chris cause i fucked him virtually, Terrie, Sometimes twillight, comic and You, T. The old comic i definetely fucking hate (marshmellow man), Fuck mono, or tim, again, Fuck me again, Fuck dusk and whoever the other guy is, fuck everyone new.

I feel physically annoyed by...Myself, Landon, Void, Allan, that old woman that t probably remembers who had sex with ro, it was a chara sprite, i dont remember her name, not chris cause i fucked him virtually, Terrie, Sometimes twillight, comic and You, T. The old comic i definetely fucking hate (marshmellow man), Fuck mono, or tim, again, Fuck me again, Fuck dusk and whoever the other guy is, fuck everyone new.

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Description: Okay so, While in rp, I`m not a smiley man I am this https://files.fm/f/vhqdhn83g but I am currently making it in pixels so yh that so just pretend im that cool ty - Jim

CREATOR ID: 013076
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator