chill,goat,What do you call a goat on a mountain? Hillbilly. Why is it hard to carry on a conversation with a goat? Because they are always butting in. What do you call a goat that lip-syncs? Billy Vanilli. Who did the goats vote for as president? Billy Clinton. What do you call a goat who is in charge of a university? Billy Dean. How do you keep a goat from charging? You take his credit card away!

chill,goat,What do you call a goat on a mountain? Hillbilly.   Why is it hard to carry on a conversation with a goat? Because they are always butting in.   What do you call a goat that lip-syncs? Billy Vanilli.   Who did the goats vote for as president? Billy Clinton.   What do you call a goat who is in charge of a university? Billy Dean.   How do you keep a goat from charging? You take his credit card away!

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Description: Jim HP 10 ATK 100 DEF 250 - A Sans Ripoff, but hey now he has some kind of originality. Original sprite by UndertaleFanatic4 Redrawn by MLGAllan65 Oh and also edited by MLGAllan65 Sans: Megalo: Hard Mode:

CREATOR ID: cb4e73
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Jim - But everything about him and his sheet is blue... -Terrie

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