honestly allan, i might have know you from the start but now, now your an asshole with T, youve changed for the worse, like why cant you grow up and go back to how you were? maybe doing that will bring the nicest guy here, you know "squid king" ? probally would even lure dans back if everyone started being nice for once

honestly allan, i might have know you from the start but now, now your an asshole with T, youve changed for the worse, like why cant you grow up and go back to how you were? maybe doing that will bring the nicest guy here, you know "squid king" ? probally would even lure dans back if everyone started being nice for once

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Description: -stellar

CREATOR ID: 390dcd
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: so if you be a dum dum may and leave then yall can say bye to me

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