I barely remember you, but atleast I still do.

I barely remember you, but atleast I still do.

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Description: The Troller, Ronan. A man warped from a mere child to a Creature who gets most of their enjoyment, if not all, from the action of Trolling (Should be somewhat obvious by the name). He is a 8' 9" Humanoid with tremendous power. Ronan has been within a war (If you could call it that) with a Hyper-Intelligent Snake, whom could be considered the Hitler of his Universe. Attacks: He can do whatever the hell he wants, prepare for being cut in half with a freaking dick or something. Defensive Tactics: ONCE AGAIN, he can do what ever the fuck he wants, he could spawn a orb around him made of freaking Bedrock. Health points: bro its fukkin infinite bro. He is somewhat lazy, can at points go back to his form before he got warped, and is an overall dipshit. Theme(?): https://tinyurl.com/yaq3mllv haha dumb shit go brrrrrr

CREATOR ID: fbde29
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: The Troller, Ronan.

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