You might as well stop she`s already ignoring you... And really the fact you said that big ass sentence of "facts" which is something Allan, does clearly Terrie, would hate you... And anyone Terrie, hates basically everyone else hates...

You might as well stop she`s already ignoring you... And really the fact you said that big ass sentence of "facts" which is something Allan, does clearly Terrie, would hate you... And anyone Terrie, hates basically everyone else hates...

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Description: [Act]-{Check} | [Name: /Unknown\ | AU: Inktale | HP: Inf | DEF: Inf | SPD: Inf | ATK: 0 | [He`s/She`s] a being made out of ink you can`t hurt [him /her]and [she/he] can`t hurt you! | After another use of testing [his/her] magic Ink Sans, made another version of [himself/herself]! Clearly [his/her] brush doesn`t make characters without help though... | Nicknames: Stellar, May, Millard, Mill and Paint] -Made by Stellar! -May`s, new character

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: ..... -They melt back into a puddle- .....

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator