Rings short, Sylvia by Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

Rings short, Sylvia by Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

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Description: My name is Sylvia, I am 15 years old and I know live in a amazing family, I was recently adopted by a family whose last name is Millers. I used to have parents but they got divorced and I had to live with my dad until he got into a car accident and my mother refused to take care of me, the only one that would stay with me though is my shiny Leafeon, I've had her for a very, very long time. I've met the 2 brothers, Mark and David, I learned that Mark is a little quiet and David is kind of loud. I asked my nicer mother, who is the father and she said he wasn't here any more, an that I knew that he wasn't alive any more, I kind of wanted to have a father but at least I'm in a home that is filled with people who care for me. I actually asked if I had any other siblings and she said that she had one more kid who is living by her self. Apparently I actually have her home, I found out that she was 23 years old and her name is Lindsy, I was excited to met her when I heard she was coming over for the whole week. I actually had a gift for her when she comes home.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 271
AGE: 6 years old

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