I feel like a needy person. But I can’t know if you saw something or agree with it unless you answer..... sorry, for the bother CV, but do you like my ideas? (Go to based on below if you haven’t seen it.)

I feel like a needy person. But I can’t know if you saw something or agree with it unless you answer..... sorry, for the bother CV, but do you like my ideas? (Go to based on below if you haven’t seen it.)

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CREATOR ID: 990543
VIEWS: 113
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: CV. I had some ideas. One, a factory like setting. Two, the main hub could be the PAMall, which was an area that was hardly used and kept getting destroyed. Three, I’ll let T appear in the hub area, in a pool chair. And a drink, wearing sunglasses. Indoors. If you ask him to join your party, he just says “....Nah. I don’t want to be the main character of this one.” And the other party members can react to his sentence with a response. -T

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