Chona /Gangfight ONLINE Evo. 1/

Chona /Gangfight ONLINE Evo. 1/

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Description: Gangfight is a game even NEWER than Smite Art Online in the Miron World, a virtual reality that is even more realistic... so realistic... that it it is said some mirons who played it passed out or nearly DIED in the fear of the world within the game. The world takes place in an apocalyptic ruin of what was once the Human Planet, or as we call it, Earth. Notorious robotics that are even partially skeletons of the human and/or animal they were created to be... only they're killing machines, not copy machines. The mirons can ether choose to be mirons or humans, and can customize themselves any way they can and want. If you've ever seen the movie 9, you'd have a good guess of what that game world looks like... but it's way worse. It's got some features of ruined Miron World structures. Some robots are even humans or mirons in disguise. And a new feature was added: if you die in the game... you die for REAL. All over. K gr8 thx :3 :) :D

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 169
AGE: 7 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator