What I am saying is, if you do not join VPN with my coupon, I will litterly come over to your house and I will murder you, no joke no lie. I will come to your house and KILL you, Yes,, murder you in cold blood. I'll come over and murder your entire family and get away with it. You better use this coupon on screen, I will kill you and your family. Coupon name on screen is "You're alive", yes Y o u ' r e a l i v e, if you use this, you and your family, will be spared.

 What I am saying is, if you do not join VPN with my coupon, I will litterly come over to your house and I will murder you, no joke no lie. I will come to your house and KILL you, Yes,, murder you in cold blood. I'll come over and murder your entire family and get away with it. You better use this coupon on screen, I will kill you and your family. Coupon name on screen is "You're alive", yes Y o u ' r e a l i v e, if you use this, you and your family, will be spared.

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Description: (Made by c9142)

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Todays sponsor goes to, NordVPN!

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