What is this shit. Surgery? -Ash, with a Changed ID

What is this shit. Surgery?  -Ash, with a Changed ID

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Description: |Story| As the night grows, Sans lays peacefully in his bed, as Sans wakes up he seems to be in a place unknown to him. "Where, am i?" as he looks forward a door starts glowing with a red energy. "Heh, nope not dealing with that" A hand emerges from the door grabbing Sans. "Uh, oh fuck-" and then it slams him into a door "Ugh, so that's what it feels like". Everything fades to black for Sans. As Sans wakes up he screams in terror ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! FUCK-" Papyrus unaware of what happened rushes into Sans's room "BROTHER ARE YOU OK? YOU WE'RE ROLLING AROUND ON THE GROUND SCREAMING UNINTELLIGABLE WORDS" Sans would look at Papyrus confused, "What do you..mean?" "...BROTHER I'M WORRIED ABOUT YOU" Sans get's up and goes down to the kitchen, grabs a cup and whole thing of Coffee, he chooses between the two. "Eh, fuck it" Sans chugs the whole thing of Coffee

CREATOR ID: 461212
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Sans + sprite editor

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator