Then comes high school... By this point the bullying was no more but even then some students got away with starting fights and even making weapons without much discipline or even getting expelled. Illegal drugs... The things I heard during then of people raping others, getting into illegal stuff... It told me schools never care about the students. Never have, never will. And so by that point... Near the very end of school for me... I yelled for three entire periods of school..... At the teacher I had, even the principle, I legit had enough of the shit they did to me. Even in the past. Had I not held back during the time of Covid. I'd 100% have punched them and KEPT hitting them. Over. And over. Not a single bit of emotion but RAGE. All of that still weighs me down.

Then comes high school... By this point the bullying was no more but even then some students got away with starting fights and even making weapons without much discipline or even getting expelled. Illegal drugs... The things I heard during then of people raping others, getting into illegal stuff... It told me schools never care about the students. Never have, never will. And so by that point... Near the very end of school for me... I yelled for three entire periods of school..... At the teacher I had, even the principle, I legit had enough of the shit they did to me. Even in the past. Had I not held back during the time of Covid. I'd 100% have punched them and KEPT hitting them. Over. And over. Not a single bit of emotion but RAGE. All of that still weighs me down.

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Just I fucking completely quit. I'm fucking done. I'm out. Last post cause I'm going to sleep to not listen to you fucking cry cause I honestly don't care if you are with their side and not mine...

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