Everytale Sans Repost Original Sprite I edited to make this was made by Portal Master

Everytale Sans Repost Original Sprite I edited to make this was made by Portal Master

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Description: Error! Sans-Error Swapswap Sans-Jacket and original sprite Ink!Sans- Ink Sploches Lust Sans-Pants Portal Master-Shoes Bit on Jacket and Eye Outertale Sans-Jacket Fell Sans-Shoes Jacket Tooth angry eyes SwapFell Sans- Fire on side Floweytale sans-Spikes on arms and arm colors(NEW!) Trenton(ME)-Cap Made by Trenton Original by...Trenton

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 370
AGE: 6 years old
BASED ON: Everytale Sans Original Sprite I edited to make this was made by Portal Master

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator