Im in your walls

Im in your walls

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Description: Used by Axelle/Spring Axelle Alias:Goldy,Golden Girl,Doggo,Sàbhailte(Original name),Axe,Axxie(Mocha/Skeld and Mocha/Skeld only) Gender:Hermaphrodite Species:Golden Retriever Age:19(Creator:15) Birthplace:Ireland Occupation:Maid(on weekends) and waitress at a place(Idek) Hobbies:Gaming,jogging,planting,and chilling Friends(Both oorp and in rp):Lss,Plant,Cookie,Finx,Terrie,Luna,Lebryan J,Rozie,Bx,Lucy,Mala,Tome,Dst,Anauxieus,Percy,Jade,Drone,Idiotic Cartoon,Demented,Rick,Tim,Timmy,Ez,Plant,Whitty(Maybe),Sliver,Blew,Poofy,Traffic,Salt,Cy(One sided?),Axel(Maybe),Evan(Kinda) Relations:Mocha/Skeld:Lover(Oorp and rp) Stats(her DMG points also changes depending on how the enemies stats work,example:If she went against Kris from Deltarune,she would deal 5 or 6 DMG) Level:47 Hit points:15,000 Attack:3,870 Special Attack:10,000 Defense:6,433 Special Defense:7,750 Speed:5,460 Physical Attacks:Smeck(90% chance to hit 100 DMG),Panch(80% chance to hit 90 DMG),Flail or Fail(50% chance of hitting,200 DMG to enemy if hit,if not 400 DMG to self),and Fury attack(99% chance to hit 300 DMG) Magic Attacks:Theme: Credit to Finx on PixelArtMaker for Beegn sprite Credit to Skeld on PixelArtMaker for Maid beeg sprite Luna style sprite base/Luna sprite by Luna(Got perms in a padlet)

CREATOR ID: 97ede9
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: I dont have anything for this but Mocha,i sorry I am leaving,just,I love you,thats what I needed to say,sorry

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