Rings (Chapter 5) By Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

Rings (Chapter 5) By Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

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Description: I woke up... but... I was in some where completely black... I walked around, confused, I then saw something from far away, I started to walk towards, thats when I noticed it was going away from me, I then started to run towards it. I stopped.... Scared, confused and unable to move.... What I saw before me was dead scientists, and I don't mean a couple, no I saw more then 6 dead scientist.... I was so scared, I was even about to cry, I've never seen anything like this before, ever in my life, execpt from horror movies, but that doesn't count. I then saw the thing I was going towards, It was another ring, but this time.... there were 3 rings, Every single one of them disappeared and then I saw red eyes. I opened my eyes and realized... it was all a dream, a nightmare... but that couldn't happen right? I then got up from my bed and went to the photo I took of the bottle, I remembered it being right on my desk, tapped to my notebook, but it wasn't there anymore. I looked every where in my room... "Popplio! Espeon! Come Here Please!" Both espeon and popplio came, "Have any of you two move the photo I had right here?" They both shrugged and went away. By that I already knew they didn't take it, but what could've taken it? I decided to ignore it for now. "Popplio, Espeon, I'm going out, don't get into any trouble." I left them at home because they were tired from being up at night really late. I went to the pokemart and bought some food for Popplio and Espeon 'cause I was running out. When I left the store I thought about the nightmare I had. I went home and put away the things I bought. I looked at Popplio and Espeon, "I should leave them home, I don't want anything to happen to them." I left the house and went to the lab, I knocked on the door. "Hello? Hello, is anyone ali- I mean in there?" I really hope they dont think I was about to say alive... I waited, and waited, And waited. Ten minutes have gone by and I got SO tired of waiting, I decided to knock again. The door FINALLY opens and a scientist comes out. "What do you want ma'am, can't you tell that we are very busy?" the scientice said to me with a annoyed type of voice. "Sorry, I just wanted to know what is going on in your lab." The scientist rolled his eyes and closed the door right in my face. I was annoyed that they aren't helpful at all, so I went home and thought about what to do next.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 564
AGE: 6 years old

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