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Description: Her name is Maria before falling into the Underground she had a pretty peaceful life until her parents were killed by some robbers.Maria was able to escape before the robbers got her to and she ran not looking back then without knowing it Maria had fell down a hole and landed in the underground.(When Maria fell the events of Chara falling into the underground had been happened but this was before the events of Asriel dying) Asriel found Maria and took her to the ruins.Years have passed know and what should of happened was the death of Asriel and Chara but since Maria was there they would of felt bad that Maria wuold have to stay by her self so they chosen not to go. (Asriel is 11,Chara is 13,and Maria is 13)2 years pass and then Frisk falls (Frisk is the same age as Chara and Maria so, Asriel is 13,Chara is 15,Frisk is 15,and Frisk is 15)and now we are here.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 165
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: undertale oc sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator