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Description: SCP-T3RR13 | SCP-T3RR13 or better known as "Terrie", is a anthropromothic dog that has some feathered tail like he is or... WAS, a dragon... He stands 6" 5', and weighs a total of 35kg... Based on his words, he is 23 years old coming from a realm of being we wouldn't be able to contain called ████████ , whatever or where ever that is... | Special containment procedures: Terrie, is to be a humanoid cell filled with some basic items such as a computer set up and a normal bed... | SCP-T3RR13, is able to make some sort of string from his collar, that has yet to be even remotely damaged by anything... SCP-173 couldn't break one D-Class while having his neck wired up by the strings even if the strings easily bend like strings they oddly can get so stiff as if it was a type of metal...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Terrie [Classic eyes]+[The main palette, for making AU`s, for Terrie...]

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