MCs get taken to school with this music, cuz I use it as a vehicle to BUST THE RHYMES and I lead a new school full of students. Me? I'm a product of Rakim. Lakim, Shabazz, 2-Pac N., W-A, Cube, hey Doc Ren. Yella easy, thank you they got Slim! Inspired enough to one day grow up blow up and be in a position. To meet Run DMC and induct him into the motherfuckin rock'n...'roll hall of fame even though I walk in the church and burst in a ball of flames, only hall of fame Ill be inducted in is the alco-hall of fame on the wall of SHAME. -Tiny Eminem

MCs get taken to school with this music, cuz I use it as a vehicle to BUST THE RHYMES and I lead a new school full of students. Me? I'm a product of Rakim. Lakim, Shabazz, 2-Pac N., W-A, Cube, hey Doc Ren. Yella easy, thank you they got Slim! Inspired enough to one day grow up blow up and be in a position. To meet Run DMC and induct him into the motherfuckin rock'n...'roll hall of fame even though I walk in the church and burst in a ball of flames, only hall of fame Ill be inducted in is the alco-hall of fame on the wall of SHAME. -Tiny Eminem

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AGE: 3 years old

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