Hell, everyone here has a chance of cutting their own life short, why do I still bother with life? Everyones going to leave me again and again and again, yet I still give people chances, why am I like this?

Hell, everyone here has a chance of cutting their own life short, why do I still bother with life? Everyones going to leave me again and again and again, yet I still give people chances, why am I like this?

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Description: Nothing is fully known about the creature, they are just an egg... Ambient theme: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/interstellar-retribution-in-the-style-of-sans Phase 1: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/bonelovania Phase 2: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/final-chance Hatched: https://soundcloud.com/sayonara-maxwell/sayonara-maxwell-undertale-death-by-glamour-remix

CREATOR ID: d14112
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: I was aware of the real world T, so you're statement is sorta applied, considering me being 10 and not being ready for this, hell, I might not even leave bed tomorrow.

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