evan. you made my sister do fucked up things with you and you apparently had this big fucking relationship and yet when you find out she is dead all you say is "Rest in peace i guess i should remove this pin"? Fuck you you monster. IM NEVER GETTING HER BACK ASSHOLE. IF I EVER FIND YOU IN REAL LIFE I WILL CUT YOU OPEN AND HANG YOU WITH YOUR OWN ORGANS.

evan. you made my sister do fucked up things with you and you apparently had this big fucking relationship and yet when you find out she is dead all you say is "Rest in peace i guess i should remove this pin"? Fuck you you monster. IM NEVER GETTING HER BACK ASSHOLE. IF I EVER FIND YOU IN REAL LIFE I WILL CUT YOU OPEN AND HANG YOU WITH YOUR OWN ORGANS.

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Description: evan killed my sister. eve.

CREATOR ID: 709a5c
VIEWS: 237
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Eve: Hey, evan. Go to the courtroom

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AI Painting Generator