{Really you realize your family, friends, possible soulmate, are singing and cheering about you being one year closer to you immanent demise. And really the "gifts" and "presents" are always shit. Really I remember getting fucking socks as a gift when I already had like 300 other pairs of socks... Really just give me the fucking money instead of these gifts so I can buy what I WANT instead. It's easier than you guessing what I want when you just give me the thing I need to get the thing I want. Checkmate. And the cake. They barely make any cakes in the style you want.}

{Really you realize your family, friends, possible soulmate, are singing and cheering about you being one year closer to you immanent demise. And really the "gifts" and "presents" are always shit. Really I remember getting fucking socks as a gift when I already had like 300 other pairs of socks... Really just give me the fucking money instead of these gifts so I can buy what I WANT instead. It's easier than you guessing what I want when you just give me the thing I need to get the thing I want. Checkmate. And the cake. They barely make any cakes in the style you want.}

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Description: [Act]-{Check} | [Name: /Unknown\ | AU: Inktale | HP: Inf | DEF: Inf | SPD: Inf | ATK: 0 | He's a being made out of ink you can`t hurt him and he can't hurt you! | After another use of testing [his/her] magic Ink Sans, made another version of [himself/herself]! Yet, it took a lot outta [him/her]. | Nicknames: Stellar, May, Millard, Mill and Paint] -Made by Stellar! | -May`s, main character | -Remastered by Stellar

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: {AYE! WOAH NOW! Slow down there Parra!}

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator