I will say one thing: P0ngy. How many people, including Terrie, have redrawn her art? She's publicly said she hates people who do that. And yet. Life is a bitch, shit will happen. I understand the protest and thoughts, but things will happen. And I left credit. I damn well know I`ll never be able to do something this good. If people leave credit for the images they take, or at least try, I say that there`s no change between now and old PAM. Same idea, different method of getting the sprite. Only difference is it's faster. Now I'm going to ignore this shit show. -BD

I will say one thing: P0ngy. How many people, including Terrie, have redrawn her art? She's publicly said she hates people who do that. And yet. Life is a bitch, shit will happen. I understand the protest and thoughts, but things will happen. And I left credit. I damn well know I`ll never be able to do something this good. If people leave credit for the images they take, or at least try, I say that there`s no change between now and old PAM. Same idea, different method of getting the sprite. Only difference is it's faster. Now I'm going to ignore this shit show. -BD

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Description: By KekWusky (I think that's the name) on Reddit! | NOT MY ART! Simply recolored. Any and all credit goes to the original maker. I do not claim this as my own. || Recolored and used Boarderline263

CREATOR ID: 45a4d0
VIEWS: 106
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator