Like it`s a damn game... No one... And I mean NO ONE, in the video game, world actually has any control over their "universe"... Not Chara, not Frisk, no the Nord [or what ever race you play as in Skyrim], not a single soul... Mario, Link, Sans; In Smash Bros... Those, character have zero control over their, own actions... YOU, the PLAYER, control everything they do but the Game DEVS, have full control over the "universe"... They, code the characters, to be the way they are...

Like it`s a damn game... No one... And I mean NO ONE, in the video game, world actually has any control over their "universe"... Not Chara, not Frisk, no the Nord [or what ever race you play as in Skyrim], not a single soul... Mario, Link, Sans; In Smash Bros... Those, character have zero control over their, own actions... YOU, the PLAYER, control everything they do but the Game DEVS, have full control over the "universe"... They, code the characters, to be the way they are...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Save...

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