Case Closed. You don't need a video game to be popular. Siren Head just happened to get one because of a fan, and he has a song which was made by CG5(recommended)and it ups his popularity even further.

Case Closed. You don't need a video game to be popular. Siren Head just happened to get one because of a fan, and he has a song which was made by CG5(recommended)and it ups his popularity even further.

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Description: Created by Trevor Henderson and with all of his history being wiped from the internet Cartoon Cat is a very mysterious character with unknown origins.As he grows closer to his victims an aura of music will pulsate around cartoon cat like sound waves which can be heard by his prey when he/she is spotted. Like in old cartoons he can Bend his body parts in many different ways and extend them to a very far distance to better catch his victim or to break their focus.

CREATOR ID: d9ae9c
VIEWS: 492
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: and the game was a parody of the urban legend, it has no real part in the lore of siren and noone is just going to forget siren head because of a PS1 styled video game, that did not give him the popularity he has now. I don't have a video game and i'm still popular.

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