As humans grow and express their ideas onto the internet, whent he internet was fairly new, everything was a new idea. Since the internet is no longer new, there are so many ideas that are already placed out in front of a person, they make an idea from that idea. You can already see in Video games... Call of duties back then had amazing great story lines with thought put into the campagnes, and early Halos too! but now days they they grow, their are fewer and fewer ideas, so the just re-make an already existing idea.. and put no thought into it..

As humans grow and express their ideas onto the internet, whent he internet was fairly new, everything was a new idea. Since the internet is no longer new, there are so many ideas that are already placed out in front of a person, they make an idea from that idea. You can already see in Video games... Call of duties back then had amazing great story lines with thought put into the campagnes, and early Halos too! but now days they they grow, their are fewer and fewer ideas, so the just re-make an already existing idea.. and put no thought into it..

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Description: (Made by c9142, KC means Kawai-Cat)

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: w a i t w u t ?

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