Also just saying... Heya, Ink Joshua... Took me a while to realize that ID... So I'm surprised you went back to silent sprite making hey... Unlike me who's leaving the site for basically good while posting some of my sprites for basically anyone to use so yeah..... aight.... i'ma..... shut up now....

Also just saying... Heya, Ink Joshua... Took me a while to realize that ID... So I'm surprised you went back to silent sprite making hey... Unlike me who's leaving the site for basically good while posting some of my sprites for basically anyone to use so yeah..... aight.... i'ma..... shut up now....

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Description: Terr!MTT [Murder Time Trio - Terrie's, take]: Phase 0 [Main menu] - The title to your demise > Phase 1 - Bloody Dustfall and Ashes > Phase 1.5A: Horror's final scare / Phase 1.5B: Killer's final stab > Phase 2A: Triple the madness and ashfall / Phase 2B: Double the bloodfest and dust rain > Phase 2.3: At the end of all genocide > Phase 2.5: D.E.T.E.R.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N & E.X.T.E.R.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N > Phase 3: The Animistic Murder Mutant > Phase 3.5: IT'S NOT OVER YET! > Phase 4: The Demonic Anomalies Last Laugh > Phase 4.5: D.A.R.K.E.R > Phase 5: M_I-S.T,A~K`E > Phase 5.5: To Deaths embrace > Phase 6 [V.S. Chara]: New host, more failures of timelines. --- Murder Time Trio by 刀剣神居Undertale AU Sprites by me [Terrie]

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: "Terr!MTT - DESC for phases and whatnot...

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator