[Reposta...] UnderFell Sans and Papyrus | SANS! THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT LEARNING! THEY JUST DON`T EVER FUCKING LEARN!... - hey, bro chill out... give them time... they will find out ignoring exists at some point... | Yep... I just said those words... -Terrie

[Reposta...] UnderFell Sans and Papyrus | SANS! THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT LEARNING! THEY JUST DON`T EVER FUCKING LEARN!... - hey, bro chill out... give them time... they will find out ignoring exists at some point... | Yep... I just said those words... -Terrie

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Description: -Terrie | Original by AYGoftenover... Hayden... You are slightly rubbing off me...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
VIEWS: 122
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: UnderFell Sans and Papyrus | -Terrie

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