(NOT DONE, DON'T STEAL) Rose The Nightmare Monster -SAL
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Description: I'll be explaining a few things this time in the description; So Rose is a nightmare monster as you can see by the title, even though she's a nightmare monster, she hates scaring people. The idea of the story here is that for thousands of years, people have been sharing stories of these 'nightmare monsters'. For the last 100 years, Rose has been the main monster people has been talking about. People are afraid of her when they see Rose. Once again, she doesn't find enjoyment of scaring people. Because of her actions of refusing to do such, a shadow now follows her, the shadow is there to make her grow insane and attack people. The shadow doesn't have a name but he's usually referred to as 'Rose's Shadow' and even though he's apart of Rose, not many people know about him. The design of Rose is intended to make her look as if she's 10 years old, while in reality she's 100. To her, 10 human years = 1 year for her (or just called 1 monster year). I'll try to explain more about her in the next upload of this pixel art.
CREATOR ID: | 9664c4 |
VIEWS: | 252 |
AGE: | 5 years old |