There's no vaccine To cure our dirty needs For now you must Build up Our Machine You DIE tonight Tonight Build up Our Machine You die tonight Tonight Build up Our Machine You die tonight I am aware That your soul is now divine We care to not toil With unbroken chains So don't toil with ours Like he did to our shining stars (Our shining stars) So prepare for adventure We're a whole new creature -Foxlya

There's no vaccine To cure our dirty needs For now you must Build up Our Machine You DIE tonight Tonight Build up Our Machine You die tonight Tonight Build up Our Machine You die tonight I am aware That your soul is now divine We care to not toil With unbroken chains So don't toil with ours Like he did to our shining stars (Our shining stars) So prepare for adventure We're a whole new creature -Foxlya

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Description: Revamped Foxlya by Void Do not use without permission! This took ALL DAYY

CREATOR ID: bffa91
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *She likes the hairdryer* -Foxlya

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