Posting to reply only. This is an 8 year old child you're harassing. This is an open platform to share and use art. He's not trying to publish your work for money or anything. He's having fun with pixel art. If you don't want people using your art, don't share it. Keep it private so you can revel in the glory of your art alone. This is Coolkid 64's mom signing off. Don't make me come back on here. Lol

Posting to reply only. This is an 8 year old child you're harassing. This is an open platform to share and use art. He's not trying to publish your work for money or anything. He's having fun with pixel art. If you don't want people using your art, don't share it. Keep it private so you can revel in the glory of your art alone. This is Coolkid 64's mom signing off. Don't make me come back on here. Lol

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Description: bish where

CREATOR ID: 532feb
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Posting to reply only. This is an 8 year old child you're harassing. This is an open platform to share and use art. He's not trying to publish your work for money or anything. He's having fun with pixel art. If you don't want people using your art, don't share it. Keep it private so you can revel in the glory of your art alone. This is Coolkid 64's mom signing off. Don't make me come back on here. Lol

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator