*As Zim was dragged out, he went kicking and screaming. Literally.* UNHAND ME, TINY EARTH PESTS! *Once he was tossed out, he sat up and rubbed his head before glaring at the nest. Who did they think they were, treating the mighty Zim this way?! Unfortunately... he couldn't think of anything he could do about it. He simply stood up for now and set off for home. He needed time to come up with a plan to get inside, and he'd have to check for any damage to his PAK.*

*As Zim was dragged out, he went kicking and screaming. Literally.* UNHAND ME, TINY EARTH PESTS! *Once he was tossed out, he sat up and rubbed his head before glaring at the nest. Who did they think they were, treating the mighty Zim this way?! Unfortunately... he couldn't think of anything he could do about it. He simply stood up for now and set off for home. He needed time to come up with a plan to get inside, and he'd have to check for any damage to his PAK.*

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Description: Just a normal human, yep, totally not sent here by the Tallest to destroy earth. Nope. -Zim (THE NORMAL EARTH BOY) Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiXmO36xQvg |https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/d3/e4/9cd3e4b1414dc2ec4b917da97438bfd6.png |

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator