(I'm playing RoN.) So, today I'm going to spread Democracy around the world and put an end to all this slavery and by that I mean instead of enslaving people politically I'll just enslave them economically by increasing their tax rates until they're too poor and hungry to start a REVOLUTION. And for this playthrough, I will be playing as the largest Democratic country in the world, the good, old, U.S.--Russia. Get it? Democratic Federation? 17.13 square kilometres? (Justifying annexation war intensifies) Hey, Canada, I heard you like Putin (yes, I know Putin is a nationalist, not a Communist, but still). Would you like some of mine? I'm willing to SHARE.

(I'm playing RoN.) So, today I'm going to spread Democracy around the world and put an end to all this slavery and by that I mean instead of enslaving people politically I'll just enslave them economically by increasing their tax rates until they're too poor and hungry to start a REVOLUTION. And for this playthrough, I will be playing as the largest Democratic country in the world, the good, old, U.S.--Russia. Get it? Democratic Federation? 17.13 square kilometres? (Justifying annexation war intensifies) Hey, Canada, I heard you like Putin (yes, I know Putin is a nationalist, not a Communist, but still). Would you like some of mine? I'm willing to SHARE.

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Description: "Wanted in 9 States, including Bohemia, Russia, Warsaw, Wilhelmsburg, Switzerland, Saxony, Prussia, Bavaria, and France. Wanted Dead or Mortally Wounded."

CREATOR ID: 4786e7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Between the two countries I mentioned prior, the Isle of Mann, or Mann, is technically not an overseas territory of the UK, but rather a crown dependency.

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