You really don't belong here Rainbow... Get the fuck out of the damn site and stop abusing the feature that SHOULDN'T FUCKING EXIST... Or I'll abuse the ONE thing you don't want posted, dipshit.....

You really don't belong here Rainbow... Get the fuck out of the damn site and stop abusing the feature that SHOULDN'T FUCKING EXIST... Or I'll abuse the ONE thing you don't want posted, dipshit.....

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: And dev?... I know you see me talking... I know that you are well aware of me doing this... I'm not really wanting to do much other than help... After all... If some new user comes by wanting to find somebody to roleplay with I'll send them to the right gallery page... But for now... Till you're done fixing some other bugs and issues... I'll just sit in silence...

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