Terrie, the soft, caring and emotional one... What was left of it anyway..... Loli, the defensive yet easily angered one... due to my destructive nature of the past, she was a way to yell without really getting in trouble..... May, was mostly my curiosity but also my more smart thinking side... Entry, was the mostly emotionless one... Allern, he... didn't really have a part he was a wildcard... And well over time as I stopped using each character because of ID's... They all bled into "Terrie"... Maybe not the character but it made the mentally unstable psychopath everyone knows... The 18 year old who was used and manipulated by a pedophile. Abuse by parents and guardians, without many friends, poor living conditions... Just...

Terrie, the soft, caring and emotional one... What was left of it anyway..... Loli, the defensive yet easily angered one... due to my destructive nature of the past, she was a way to yell without really getting in trouble..... May, was mostly my curiosity but also my more smart thinking side... Entry, was the mostly emotionless one... Allern, he... didn't really have a part he was a wildcard... And well over time as I stopped using each character because of ID's... They all bled into "Terrie"... Maybe not the character but it made the mentally unstable psychopath everyone knows... The 18 year old who was used and manipulated by a pedophile. Abuse by parents and guardians, without many friends, poor living conditions... Just...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Just I fucking completely quit. I'm fucking done. I'm out. Last post cause I'm going to sleep to not listen to you fucking cry cause I honestly don't care if you are with their side and not mine...

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