As for the critique, you picked your word choice in an accusatory manner. Generally you begin the conversation with an accusation, and then are followed up on what is wrong and how they can fix it. Instead, you accused them, and while you did offer them advice, you did so in a non-passive way, which is antagonising them. And why would someone follow through with someone who is seen as threatening? -Meepsworth

As for the critique, you picked your word choice in an accusatory manner. Generally you begin the conversation with an accusation, and then are followed up on what is wrong and how they can fix it. Instead, you accused them, and while you did offer them advice, you did so in a non-passive way, which is antagonising them. And why would someone follow through with someone who is seen as threatening? -Meepsworth

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Description: Meepsworth is made possible by viewers like YOU. But MORE IMPORTANTLY, viewers like ME.

CREATOR ID: 2d9115
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Also more than one of you is silently Conant. -Meepsworth

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