cyber sans

cyber sans

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Description: deystroyers of errors: Cyber sans job is to exterminate all errors like error sans or error 404 and even omni404 and all others so that means in order to do his job he has to be on the same level as omni404 or stonger. He also has a different power from the others and that power is called cyber creation, cyber creation allows him to make any structure or person like nights , soldiers and many more and evan things like other worldly creatures, cyber demons, and cyber angles and thats not all and also weapons. He has another power called CYBER EMP this power allows him to disable his enemys powers fors 30 seconds and he also has the normal attacks like blue and green soul, gaster blasters, bone throw, bone wall, and strings and all the other normal sans powers. I forgot to mention one more power of his and it is called cyber scanner which allows him to scan his enemys and see thier power level and powers and if they have a power that he dosn't have he can give him self thier same power. I didn't want to make him to powerful but I had to so he would be able to fight the strongest errors like omni404 and cyber sans is a anti-hero. I hope you like my new creation.

CREATOR ID: 026972
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: cyber sans

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