See that's the problem, god doesn't care since he just tried to hang himself that counts as you making him wanna commit suicide so you are going to hell for doing that and you are lucky he is still alive since he is still alive you still have a chance to say sorry about what you did.

See that's the problem, god doesn't care since he just tried to hang himself that counts as you making him wanna commit suicide so you are going to hell for doing that and you are lucky he is still alive since he is still alive you still have a chance to say sorry about what you did.

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Description: Theme: Special thaks to stellar

CREATOR ID: beac31
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: So basically you are hating someone else, making you go to hell and you made someone commit suicide which also can make you go to hell. So what you are doing right now is risking your afterlife just to bully this single person.

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