((repost )uhh..can someone make phase 2 and 3 for this sprite please? i pretty much made the face for phase 2 you can make it how you want along with phase 3 but for phase 2 make him holding a rainbow dagger so yeah..-rainbowfox2011

((repost )uhh..can someone make phase 2 and 3 for this sprite please? i pretty much made the face for phase 2 you can make it how you want along with phase 3 but for phase 2 make him holding a rainbow dagger so yeah..-rainbowfox2011

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Description: rainbow the fox~soul:rainbow/soul parts:kindess justice integrity paitence bravery determination persaverince kindness fear hate/AU:pixelart!tale

CREATOR ID: 401102
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: ((repost))uhh..can someone make phase 2 and 3 for this sprite please? i pretty much made the face for phase 2 you can make it how you want along with phase 3 but for phase 2 make him holding a rainbow dagger so yeah..-rainbowfox2011

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator