Every attempt to try and better myself I just get into a even worse place... I can't even find proper help as even some therapist fucking treat me poorly!... And one that I thought was going to be help... Was that damned pedophile... and really... How could I be a pedo if I despite the one that manipulated me and still does to others, and WANT to bring them to proper justice?... Or... Used too at first..... Just... Like any of it matters...

Every attempt to try and better myself I just get into a even worse place... I can't even find proper help as even some therapist fucking treat me poorly!... And one that I thought was going to be help... Was that damned pedophile... and really... How could I be a pedo if I despite the one that manipulated me and still does to others, and WANT to bring them to proper justice?... Or... Used too at first..... Just... Like any of it matters...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Just I fucking completely quit. I'm fucking done. I'm out. Last post cause I'm going to sleep to not listen to you fucking cry cause I honestly don't care if you are with their side and not mine...

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