He`s gotten past all of it yet will never forget any of the bad things of his life, he mainly came here due to being annoyed so much, he doesn`t take jokes lightly due to so one doing some long ass joke that he was taking to far with it, and well Terrie, lives in the UK, with his older sister "Loli", and is younger brother "Entry", Terrie, is the only one who said his real name of Justin... His boyfriend is Lenny

He`s gotten past all of it yet will never forget any of the bad things of his life, he mainly came here due to being annoyed so much, he doesn`t take jokes lightly due to so one doing some long ass joke that he was taking to far with it, and well Terrie, lives in the UK, with his older sister "Loli", and is younger brother "Entry", Terrie, is the only one who said his real name of Justin... His boyfriend is Lenny

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Description: It's from a old NewGrounds, animation if you were wondering [] LarryDenBarrier

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Terrie..........

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