No, Chris, your wrong... Really, if anything I don`t know if it`s "idiotic", at all... Ask anyone like Stellar, Warrior, Karma... And just ASK, them how bad Allan, has been on PAM... It`s not "idiotic"... It`s normal, for people to fight with Allan... Well... It was till he left... Just him, and me... Hate each other more, then he ever hated anyone on this site...

No, Chris, your wrong... Really, if anything I don`t know if it`s "idiotic", at all... Ask anyone like Stellar, Warrior, Karma... And just ASK, them how bad Allan, has been on PAM... It`s not "idiotic"... It`s normal, for people to fight with Allan... Well... It was till he left... Just him, and me... Hate each other more, then he ever hated anyone on this site...

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Description: (Allan) Allan; Age: 18; Height: Honestly i don't know myself lol; Weight: 40 kg; A Dog with a feather'd tail, wished he was a cat instead; He's also Swedish even tho he is black? Weird... | Yes it's Justin's OC Furry Fursona "Terrie"... |Anti-Copy: Goopi made this | Allan: Thanks but i rather have you not roleplay as a version of me.

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Allan" Terrie:

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