Fun fact : Glitch Grim is a phantom that talks to Grim, he talks in perenthesis and can do small attacks unless he becomes Corporeal when Grim and Glitch Grim decide that Glitch Grim can take control of Grim. But Glitch Grim in his phantom form is merely a memory - Grim

Fun fact : Glitch Grim is a phantom that talks to Grim, he talks in perenthesis and can do small attacks unless he becomes Corporeal when Grim and Glitch Grim decide that Glitch Grim can take control of Grim. But Glitch Grim in his phantom form is merely a memory - Grim

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Description: Grim : 11 HP, 20 DF, and 10 ATK, Amateur. it'll be easy to kill him. He's emotionally imbalanced after his siblings died. Now lets give him a bad time =)

CREATOR ID: 77b851
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Save - grim

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