First, the soul shading. Secondly, you WIP sprite's hoodie, Third, your knowledge of a certain person. 4th, The Vanti ship thing. 5, The way you talked to Chris and your overall personality and type style. Plust the "....I feel bad for laughing" Something you have said lots. Furthermore, Terrie tipped me off that you WEREN'T new like I thought. Oh, another thing, your last character was a Lust. I have your numbers dude..

First, the soul shading. Secondly, you WIP sprite's hoodie, Third, your knowledge of a certain person. 4th, The Vanti ship thing. 5, The way you talked to Chris and your overall personality and type style. Plust the "....I feel bad for laughing" Something you have said lots. Furthermore, Terrie tipped me off that you WEREN'T new like I thought. Oh, another thing, your last character was a Lust. I have your numbers dude..

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Description: Tverse| T but he looks like Colorverse. | Battle Theme: Credits to CV/QT for the sprite of course. Thancc.

CREATOR ID: 05b0c1
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: *He wipes his face* There is no going back now. I'm stuck in PAM forever.

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator