Tress The Cartoon Demon (message from her after a fight) By Heatrash The Fire Fox

Tress The Cartoon Demon (message from her after a fight) By Heatrash The Fire Fox

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Description: Tress} I can't be defeated so easily, you may have hurt my arm, but.... I already KILLED someone that had worked on 'you're' did you think that this was only about you? No...... Everyone who had worked there, me and Lucy had always wished for this....... You're not fighting back?..... fine..... I will fight back...... Heh........ ink and blood..... what's the difference anymore? I'm not going to stop until you aren't in sight any more.......... ................... .................... You aren't going to talk me out of this, even if you think me and Lucy's life is nothing compared to you'res, when you talk it's like a another step of death for you..... Maybe you'd like to have a time in the left over ink that we have been sleeping in for years, we weren't able to get out, but maybe this is the what it was meant for, maybe you 3 are just stupid enough to even know this, it's called 'Revenge'.......................................... What is the feeling of.. life?.... What I think of life is.... it's a special gift from someone named 'God', God is the one who helps us see the world... without life.... me... Lucy... you, Bendy, Boris, Alice..... wouldn't even be here, and I wish I would just remove you're life, Lucy would think the same, Lucy.... if i die........ π“”π“‡π’Άπ“ˆπ‘’ them from existence, that way everyone thing will be fair for everyone =)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 237
AGE: 6 years old

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