(You're always a bitch. Ask like anyone who's had more than 5 minutes of Interaction with you. I know at least 10 people who just want you to stop bitching the sanses cause simply put, it's non of your damn business what someone else makes. This is a public site and if I want to make a sans, I'll make a sans. You can't fucking tell anyone here what to do, so stop being a bossy bitch.)

(You're always a bitch. Ask like anyone who's had more than 5 minutes of Interaction with you. I know at least 10 people who just want you to stop bitching the sanses cause simply put, it's non of your damn business what someone else makes. This is a public site and if I want to make a sans, I'll make a sans. You can't fucking tell anyone here what to do, so stop being a bossy bitch.)

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Description: -T

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Euthan, The Fox. -T {Fix}

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AI Painting Generator