*fires the main cannon, obliterated a parking lot* whoops, finger slipped. -Pathfinder

*fires the main cannon, obliterated a parking lot* whoops, finger slipped. -Pathfinder

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Description: (made by PathfinderGaming) (ask me before you use anything on this sheet) (Scrapper: Scrapper, an R2 series Astromech Droid about the size of a trashcan, began service as a Y-Wing co gunner for Teal Squadron Leader Kallen Xas, and were present at the Battle of Yavin, the Battle of Hoth, and the destruction of both of the DeathStars, but were shot down at the Battle of Jakku. They crashed into the surface of Jakku, and when Scrapper reactivated, he found Kallen dead in the cockpit of the Y-Wing, killed in the crash. For 13 years Scrapper wandered around, never stopping, until one day, he came upon PAM. Scrapper remained permanently scarred by the death of Kallen, and therefore becomes extremely stressed when trying to save someone, and is terrified of small spacecraft. He also hates all other robots, due to a glitch in his original programming. )

CREATOR ID: 2d8240
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *while rolling through the clearing, Scrapper almost gets struck by lightning* ¨BwAap!¨(Ack!) -Pathfinder

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