I am really special cause there's only one of me look at smile i'm so damn happy people are jelous of me when im sad and lonley i like to sing this song it cheers me up and shows me that I won't be sad for long oh, oh, oh I'm so happy i could bearly breath puppy dogs and sugar frogs and kittens baby teeth. watch out all you mothers i'm happy it's hardcore happy as a coupon for a twenty dolla- heh heh heh I am really happy... I'm sugar coated me happy good anger bad thats my philosophy ... i can't do this man I'm not happy (Louder) I am really special cause there's only one of me look at smile i'm so damn happy people are jelous of me here are my love handles and this is my spout but if you tip me over then gaster said knock you out I am special I am happy I am gonna heave welcome to my happy world now get your shit and leave I am happy I am good I'm... I'm out of here screw you - withered bonnie

I am really special cause there's only one of me look at smile i'm so damn happy people are jelous of me when im sad and lonley i like to sing this song  it cheers me up and shows me that I won't be sad for long oh, oh, oh I'm so happy i could bearly breath puppy dogs and sugar frogs and kittens baby teeth. watch out all you mothers i'm happy it's hardcore happy as a coupon for a twenty dolla- heh heh heh I am really happy... I'm sugar coated me happy good anger bad thats my philosophy ... i can't do this man  I'm not happy (Louder) I am really special cause there's only one of me look at smile i'm so damn happy  people are jelous of me here are my love handles and this is my spout but if you tip me over then gaster said knock you out I am special I am happy  I am gonna heave welcome to my happy world now get your shit and leave I am happy I am good I'm... I'm out of here screw you - withered bonnie

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CREATOR ID: b9de0d
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: (save) - Dream bonnie

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