Well, the President of the United States is mostly just a figurehead; in the grand scheme of things, their position doesn`t mean anything. And the U.S. Parliament doesn`t really control everything either. Monopolies and, well, general rich people pay the government to do their bidding. They provide funding to presidential campaigns if they introduce policies, for instance, "hey, if you cut my taxes even more, I`ll give you the money you need to win the election." As for the Russian Federation, monopolies don`t really exist. Putin cracked down on all of these, and all the power is in the state.

Well, the President of the United States is mostly just a figurehead; in the grand scheme of things, their position doesn`t mean anything. And the U.S. Parliament doesn`t really control everything either. Monopolies and, well, general rich people pay the government to do their bidding. They provide funding to presidential campaigns if they introduce policies, for instance, "hey, if you cut my taxes even more, I`ll give you the money you need to win the election." As for the Russian Federation, monopolies don`t really exist. Putin cracked down on all of these, and all the power is in the state.

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Description: My full name is `Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover`, but, if referring to me by my last name, please address me as `Von Magdeburg und Hanover`.

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