"Also he doesn't know that we built a gave yard for the entire AU so he wouldn't ever come here. And the reason why we are here is because last time we saw him we tried to stop this but it didn't work out as planned..." - Crimzøn Hana

"Also he doesn't know that we built a gave yard for the entire AU so he wouldn't ever come here. And the reason why we are here is because last time we saw him we tried to stop this but it didn't work out as planned..." - Crimzøn Hana

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Description: AU : UnderFlame Race : ??? Soul Color : Crimson Fire Soul Meaning : Determination / Integrity / Bravery / Justice / Hate Personality : Kind / Friendly / Fiery / Calm HP : 200 or 3000 AtkP : ??? MP : 350 Height : 5 Feet 3 Inches Age : 17 Allies : Who's ever side she's on. :) Enemies : Who's ever side she's not on. Job / Occupation : Blacksmith Weapon of Choice : A Sword that can Heat up to 1000 K (Kelvin) Magic : Fire / Lava / Heat / Light / Healing / etc. Favorite Catchphrase : If you Play with Fire be careful because you might get Burned! Fav Food : Anything Spicy Least Fav Food : Anything Bland Fav Color : Red She is always wearing that necklace. She never really talks about her necklace. If you ever are able to piss her off you might not get away without a scratch. Wears a Mask. She has a Split Personality Named : Crimzøn X. Crimzøn calls her X. She is also Lesbian. Theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gkr9syjh08 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj8CfwpGv2g Shaded by : Terrie.

CREATOR ID: ea4c29
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Crimzøn Hana

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